Quickstart Guide
Most users will probably be interested in the compile-time Yacc feature of
grmtools, which allows traditional .y
files to be used mostly unchanged in
Rust. This page is a short guide to get you up and running with this feature as
quickly as possible.
grmtools includes both a Yacc-style LR parser (lrpar
) and a
lex-style lexer (lrlex
). The lexer breaks input up into individual lexemes and
the parser checks to see if the lexemes conform to a grammar. As the parser
executes, it can either create a generic parse tree, or execute user-specified
Rust code.
A calculator evaluator
Let's assume we want to create a simple calculator which can evaluate
expressions such as 2 + 3 * 4
. Assuming a fresh Rust project, we first create
a Cargo.toml
file with the following dependencies:
name = "calc"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["<authors>"]
edition = "2021"
doc = false
name = "calc"
cfgrammar = "0.13"
lrlex = "0.13"
lrpar = "0.13"
cfgrammar = "0.13"
lrlex = "0.13"
lrpar = "0.13"
In this situation we want to statically compile the .y
grammar and .l
into Rust code. We thus need to create a
file inside the root of our project which can process the lexer and grammar.
provides a simple interface which does both jobs for us in one go.
Our build.rs
file thus looks as follows:
use lrlex::CTLexerBuilder;
fn main() {
.lrpar_config(|ctp| {
grmtools accepts several different Yacc variants as input. In our case, we want
to execute Rust code as the input is parsed (rather than creating a generic
parse tree which we traverse later), so we specified that the yacckind
what variant of Yacc file we're using) is YaccKind::Grmtools
. The grammar file
is stored in src/calc.y
, but we only specify calc.y
as the filename to
, since it searches relative to src/
automatically. Similarly, we only
needed to specify calc.l
to lrlex
The lexer
While Yacc-style parsing is powerful, lex-style lexing is less powerful.
grmtools allows you to use whatever lexer you want with lrpar
. Fortunately, in
this case, lrlex
is powerful enough for us. calc.l
looks as follows:
[0-9]+ "INT"
\+ "+"
\* "*"
\( "("
\) ")"
[\t ]+ ;
Roughly speaking, each line after the %%
line is a regular expression (we use
the regex
crate), a space character, and a
quoted lexeme type name. For example, if the user gives us input such as 234
we will create a single lexeme with a value (234
) and a type (INT
The one exception is the final line: if a lexeme type name is replaced with ‘;
then any matching input is discarded. In this case, whitespace (tabs and spaces)
is lexed, but no lexemes are created from it.
The grammar
Our initial version of calc.y looks as follows:
%grmtools{yacckind Grmtools}
%start Expr
Expr -> Result<u64, ()>:
Expr '+' Term { Ok($1? + $3?) }
| Term { $1 }
Term -> Result<u64, ()>:
Term '*' Factor { Ok($1? * $3?) }
| Factor { $1 }
Factor -> Result<u64, ()>:
'(' Expr ')' { $2 }
| 'INT'
let v = $1.map_err(|_| ())?;
// Any functions here are in scope for all the grammar actions above.
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<u64, ()> {
match s.parse::<u64>() {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("{} cannot be represented as a u64", s);
The grammar is in 3 parts, separated by the %%
The first part specifies general settings for the grammar, at a minimum the
start rule (%start Expr
The second part is the Yacc
grammar. It consists of 3
rules (Expr
, Term
, and Factor
) and 6 productions (2 for each rule,
separated by |
characters). Because we are using the Grmtools
Yacc variant,
each rule has a Rust type associated with it (after ->
) which specifies the
type that each production’s action must return. A production (sometimes called an “alternative”)
consists of zero or more symbols. Symbols either reference rules or lexemes. If a
production matches text, its ”action” (the Rust code between curly brackets at
the end of the production) is executed.
's actions are subtly different to Yacc. The $x
variables refer to
the respective symbol in the production, numbered from 1 (i.e. $1
refers to the first symbol in
the production). If the symbol references a rule R
then an instance of
's type will be stored in the $x
variable; if the symbol references a lexeme then an Option<Lexeme>
instance is returned. A special $lexer
variable allows access to the lexer.
The most commonly used function that $lexer
exposes is the span_str
function, which allows us to extract &'input str
s from a Span
(e.g. to
extract the string represented by a Lexeme
, we would use
). As this may suggest, actions may also
reference the special lifetime 'input
(without any $
prefix), which allows
strings to be returned / stored by the grammar without copying memory.
The third part is arbitrary Rust code which can be called by productions’
actions. In our case we have a simple function which converts integers as
strings into integers as u64
s: if the user provides an invalid number (e.g.
one that is too big) the system panic
This example uses a common grmtools idiom: making use of Result
types. This
allows us to deal with two different issues that prevent evaluation.
First is the “obvious” issue of integers which are too big to represent as
s: these cause Err
to be percolated upwards, preventing evaluation.
Second is the issue of error recovery telling us that the user should have
inserted an integer: since it would be confusing for us to insert a default
value in such cases, we map_err
such cases to Err
, preventing evaluation.
See the section below on error recovery for more details
about error recovery.
Putting everything together
The build.rs
file will statically compile the lexer and grammar into Rust code
that we can then call. The src/main.rs
file below provides a simple
Python-esque REPL to the user into which they can write calculator expressions:
use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write};
use lrlex::lrlex_mod;
use lrpar::lrpar_mod;
// Using `lrlex_mod!` brings the lexer for `calc.l` into scope. By default the
// module name will be `calc_l` (i.e. the file name, minus any extensions,
// with a suffix of `_l`).
// Using `lrpar_mod!` brings the parser for `calc.y` into scope. By default the
// module name will be `calc_y` (i.e. the file name, minus any extensions,
// with a suffix of `_y`).
fn main() {
// Get the `LexerDef` for the `calc` language.
let lexerdef = calc_l::lexerdef();
let stdin = io::stdin();
loop {
print!(">>> ");
match stdin.lock().lines().next() {
Some(Ok(ref l)) => {
if l.trim().is_empty() {
// Now we create a lexer with the `lexer` method with which
// we can lex an input.
let lexer = lexerdef.lexer(l);
// Pass the lexer to the parser and lex and parse the input.
let (res, errs) = calc_y::parse(&lexer);
for e in errs {
println!("{}", e.pp(&lexer, &calc_y::token_epp));
match res {
Some(Ok(r)) => println!("Result: {:?}", r),
_ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression.")
_ => break
We can now cargo run
our project and evaluate simple expressions:
>>> 2 + 3
Result: 5
>>> 2 + 3 * 4
Result: 14
>>> (2 + 3) * 4
Result: 20
Error recovery
Because powerful error recovery is built into lrpar
, we can even make minor
errors and have the system recover automatically:
>>> 2 + + 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 5. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete +
2: Insert INT
Result: 5
>>> 2 + 3 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 7. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete 3
2: Insert +
3: Insert *
Result: 5
>>> 2 + 3 4 5
Parsing error at line 1 column 7. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert *, Delete 4
2: Insert +, Delete 4
3: Delete 4, Delete 5
4: Insert *, Shift 4, Delete 5
5: Insert *, Shift 4, Insert +
6: Insert *, Shift 4, Insert *
7: Insert +, Shift 4, Delete 5
8: Insert +, Shift 4, Insert +
9: Insert +, Shift 4, Insert *
Result: 17
Note that we didn't have to do anything clever in order for error recovery to
happen: it happens by default, and it works with whatever grammar we throw at
it. The way to read the resulting error messages are that each numbered repair
sequence is a way that the error recovery system found to make sense of the
input. For example, for the input 2 + + 3
, an error is detected at the second
: we could either delete the second +
(option 1 above) or insert an
integer. In all cases, error recovery applies repair sequence 1, and continues
parsing. 2 + + 3
was thus parsed as if the user had written 2 + 3
hence why it evaluated to 5. Similarly, 2 + 3 4 5
was parsed as if the user
had written 2 + 3 * 5
Error recovery opens up a number of possibilities to customise and streamline
the user experience. For example, the simple approach above causes a panic
the user provides a non-u64 number or if error recovery inserts an integer.
For more details about the possibilities, see the section on error