Error recovery
One of lrpar
's most powerful features is its approach to error recovery, which
can be used with any grammar. This section outlines the background to error
recovery, the choices that users can make, and how to best make use of this
Error recovery background
Programmers frequently make mistakes when entering input, either because of simple typos, or an outright failure to use the correct syntax. Happily, LR parsing guarantees to report syntax errors at the first point that an error can be definitively proven to have occurred (though note that this might not be the same point that a user would consider the error to have been made). It has long been a goal of parsing technologies to recover from such errors, and allow parsing to continue. This allows users to fix all their syntax errors in one go and, optionally, post-parsing phases to operate as if no syntax errors had been made at all. For example, a compiler author might decide to run the compiler's static type checker even in the presence of syntax errors (since many static type errors are unaffected by syntax errors), but not generate code (which might incorrectly give users the illusion that their code is safe to run).
However, most mainstream parsers do a bad job of error recovery. The most common generic error recovery algorithm is "panic mode" (in reality, a family of algorithms). Unfortunately such simple error recovery algorithms do a poor job of recovering from syntax errors, causing a cascade of spurious further syntax errors to be reported. Programmers quickly learn that only the first reported syntax error can be trusted on to be correct.
implements the CPCT+
error recovery algorithm from Reducing
Cascading Parsing Errors Through Fast Error
Recovery, which, in our biased opinion, does
a better job than previous approaches. It is fast, grammar neutral, and reports
multiple repair sequences to users, allowing them to consider which best
matches their intentions.
No matter how clever we think CPCT+
is, it is important to understand that it has
a fundamental limitation: it only knows about a language's syntax; it has no
concept of the language's semantics beyond that implied by the structure of the
grammar; and it cannot control what the user does with the result of error
recovery. Thus, grammar writers can significantly influence how useful error
recovery is for users. Most of the rest of this section explains how best to
make use of error recovery.
Error recovery basics
A simple calculator grammar looks as follows:
%grmtools{yacckind Grmtools}
%start Expr
Expr -> u64:
Expr '+' Term { $1 + $3 }
| Term { $1 }
Term -> u64:
Term '*' Factor { $1 * $3 }
| Factor { $1 }
Factor -> u64:
'(' Expr ')' { $2 }
| 'INT' { parse_int($lexer.span_str($1.unwrap().span())) }
// Any functions here are in scope for all the grammar actions above.
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> u64 {
match s.parse::<u64>() {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(_) => panic!("{} cannot be represented as a u64", s)
For this simplification we need to make a small tweak to our
match res {
Some(Ok(r)) => println!("Result: {}", r),
_ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression.")
match res {
Some(r) => println!("Result: {}", r),
_ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression.")
For many examples, this simple grammar and its actions work well leading to output such as the following:
>>> 2 + + 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 5. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete +
2: Insert INT
Result: 5
Insert x
means “error recovery inserted a lexeme of type x”; Delete x
means “error recovery deleted the next lexeme in the stream”; and Shift x
means “error recovery kept the user’s lexeme x as-is”.
Repair sequences are minimal ways of adjusting the user’s input such that it
becomes correct relative to the underlying grammar. Intuitively, in this
example, the two repair sequences would adjust the input to be equivalent to
2 + 3
(repair sequence 1) or 2 + <some int> + 3
(repair sequence 2). When
more than one repair sequence is presented to the user, the first is used by the
algorithm to continue parsing: in this case, the input was parsed as if it was
equivalent to 2 + 3
, hence the evaluation of the input to 5
Repair sequences can, as their name suggests, be of arbitrary length:
>>> 2 + 3 4 5
Parsing error at line 1 column 7. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert *, Delete 4
2: Insert +, Delete 4
3: Delete 4, Delete 5
4: Insert *, Shift 4, Delete 5
5: Insert *, Shift 4, Insert +
6: Insert *, Shift 4, Insert *
7: Insert +, Shift 4, Delete 5
8: Insert +, Shift 4, Insert +
9: Insert +, Shift 4, Insert *
Result: 17
In this case, the first repair sequence caused the input to be parsed as if it
was equivalent to 2 + 3 * 5
, hence the evaluation of the input to 17
Syntax errors and language semantics
Our example inputs so far have deliberately exploited cases where the first
repair sequence at worst inserted “unimportant” lexemes such as +
and *
Since the grammar’s actions never read the values of such lexemes, only their
type is important. However, what should happen if error recovery inserts an
integer, whose value is later read by one of the grammar’s actions? An example
shows the unhappy result:
>>> 2+
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Lexeme { start: 2, len: 4294967295, tok_id: 4 }', libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
In this case, the first repair sequence was Insert INT
. The fundamental
problem is that while error recovery can adjust the user’s input to insert a
lexeme of type INT
, neither it nor the parser have any idea what value might
have made sense for that lexeme. Thus the expression above caused the expression
to panic, since $1
was Err(<lexeme>)
It is thus up to the user to decide what to do in the face of the inevitable semantic issues that error recovery highlights. Fortunately, this is generally simpler than it sounds with only a slight rethink in the way that we tend to write a grammar's actions.
A rule of thumb: have rules return a Result
Although rules can have any Rust type you can imagine, using a Result
allows a (deliberately) simple interaction with the effects of error recovery.
The basic idea is simple: in actions, we ignore lexemes whose value we don't
care about (e.g. brackets); for lexemes whose value we care about, we either
introduce a default value, or percolate an Err
upwards. Default values make
sense in certain situations. For example, if you're writing a compiler, and want
to run a static type checker even after syntax errors, it might make sense to
assume that Insert 0
is a good substitute for Insert INT
. However, in the
case of the calculator, default values are likely to lead to confusing results.
We thus change the grammar so that inserted integers prevent evaluation from
%grmtools{yacckind Grmtools}
%start Expr
Expr -> Result<u64, ()>:
Expr '+' Term { Ok($1? + $3?) }
| Term { $1 }
Term -> Result<u64, ()>:
Term '*' Factor { Ok($1? * $3?) }
| Factor { $1 }
Factor -> Result<u64, ()>:
'(' Expr ')' { $2 }
| 'INT' { parse_int($lexer.span_str($1.map_err(|_| ())?.span())) }
// Any functions here are in scope for all the grammar actions above.
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<u64, ()> {
match s.parse::<u64>() {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(_) => panic!("{} cannot be represented as a u64", s)
The basic idea here is that every action returns an instance of Result<u64, ()>
: if we receive Ok(u64)
we successfully evaluated the expression, but if
we received Err(())
we were not able to evaluate the expression. If we
encounter an integer lexeme which is the result of error recovery, then the
lexeme in the second Factor
action will be Err(<lexeme>)
. By writing
$1.map_err(|_| ())?
we’re saying “if the integer lexeme was created by error
recovery, percolate Err(())
upwards”. We then have to tweak a couple of other
actions to percolate errors upwards, but this is a trivial change. We'll also need to
back to expecting a Result
Now the input which previously caused a panic simply tells the user that it could not evaluate the expression:
>>> 2+
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert INT
Unable to evaluate expression.
Usefully, our inability (or unwillingness) to evaluate the expression does not prevent further syntax errors from being discovered and repaired:
>>> (2+)+3+4+
Parsing error at line 1 column 4. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int
Parsing error at line 1 column 10. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int
Unable to evaluate expression.
Using a Result
type allows the user arbitrary control over the classes of
syntax errors they are prepared to deal with or not. For example, we could
remove the panic
from parse_int
by making the rules have a type Result<u64, String>
where the Err
case would report a string such as “18446744073709551616 cannot
be represented as a u64” for the first unrepresentable u64
in the user's
input. If we wanted to report all unrepresentable u64
s, we could have
the rules have a type Result<u64, Vec<String>>
, though merging together the errors found
on the left and right hand sides of the +
and *
operators requires adding a
few lines of code.
Making use of %epp
for easier to read repair sequences
By default, pretty-printing lexeme types prints out their identifier in the grammar. Up to now, we have used lexeme types when showing output to the user. While the lexeme types are sometimes adequate for this purpose, this is not always the case. Consider this lex file:
[0-9]+ "INT"
\+ "PLUS"
\* "MUL"
[\t ]+ ;
The user would see output such as:
>>> 2 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete 3
2: Insert PLUS
3: Insert MUL
Result: 2
What are PLUS
and MUL
? These might be semi-obvious, but many lexeme types
are far from obvious. grmtools
allows users to provide human friendly versions
of these for error recovery using the %epp
declaration in grammars. For
example, we can extend the calc
grammar as follows:
%epp PLUS "+"
%epp MUL "*"
%epp LBRACK "("
%epp RBRACK ")"
%epp INT "Int"
leading to the following output:
>>> 2 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete 3
2: Insert +
3: Insert *
Result: 2
Biasing repair sequences
Depending on your language, some repair sequences are better than others. For
example, sometimes Insert
repairs are less welcome than Delete
>>> 2 + + 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert INT
2: Delete +
Unable to evaluate expression.
>>> 2 + + 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete +
2: Insert INT
Result: 5
Why does the same input sometimes produce a result and sometimes fail to produce
a result? The problem is that 2 + + 3
has two repair sequences Delete +
Insert Int
. As things stand, both are equally good, and so one is chosen
non-deterministically. If Insert Int
is chosen, we hit the Err
case from
earlier, and fail to produce a result; if the Delete
case is chosen, we can
produce a result.
To lessen this problem, the %avoid_insert L
directive causes grmtools to
prefer repair sequences that don't include Insert L
over those that do.
Intuitively, we want to annotate lexemes whose value we care about in this
way (e.g. INT
), but we don't need to worry about lexemes whose value we never
expect (e.g. (
, +
etc.). In the case of the calculator grammar a good
use of this directive is as follows:
%avoid_insert "INT"
With this, the Delete +
repair sequence is consistently favoured over Insert INT
Turning lexing errors into parsing errors
Most lexers do not have lexical rules for all possible inputs. For example, our
running calculator example has no lexical rule for the character @
. Typically
this causes the lexer to generate an error and stop lexing further. For example
with lrlex
we would encounter the following:
>>> 2@3
Lexing error at line 1 column 2.
This error message is correct, but not as helpful as we might like (what is the error specifically?). Furthermore, any further errors in the input will not be found until the lexing error is fixed.
Fortunately we can fix this easily for nearly all grammars by adding a line
similar to this to the end of your .l
Any single character which is not matched by any other lex rule will now lead
to a token of type UNMATCHED
. Note that it is vital that this is the last rule
in your .l
file, and that only a single character is matched, otherwise you
will incorrectly lex correct input as UNMATCHED
We then need to add a dummy rule to your .y
file, simply so that lrpar
knows about UNMATCHED
tokens. This dummy rule won't be referenced by other
rules, so its return type and action are irrelevant. The simplest example is
Unmatched -> ():
Assuming you have the "warnings are errors" option set to true (its default),
you will then receive a warning about the unused rule (Unmatched
) and token
). You can inform grmtools that you expect both to be unused by
adding this declaration in the top part of your .y
%expect-unused Unmatched "UNMATCHED"
With this done, all possible input will be lexed, and what were previously lexing errors are now parsing errors. This means that error recovery section kicks in, giving us more detailed and informative errors, and ensuring that multiple "lexing" errors are reported at once:
>>> 2@3+4+5+6@7
Parsing error at line 1 column 2. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete @, Delete 3
2: Insert +, Delete @
3: Insert *, Delete @
Parsing error at line 1 column 10. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert +, Delete @
2: Delete @, Delete 7
3: Insert *, Delete @
Result: 24
Under the bonnet
For any given syntax error there are, potentially, a finite but vast number of
possible valid repair sequences: far too many to exhaustively search. Error
recovery algorithms such as CPCT+
use various heuristics to cut the search space
down to something that is (generally) manageable. Although surprisingly few in
practise, this inevitably leads to occasional situations where the repair
sequences found (or, more accurately, those not found) surprise humans.
The first surprising condition is that even with the small calc
grammar, some
user inputs lead to such a massive search space that no repair sequences can be
found. The easiest way to trigger this in most grammars is bracket expressions:
>>> 1+(
Parsing error at line 1 column 4. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int, Insert )
Unable to evaluate expression.
>>> 1+((
Parsing error at line 1 column 5. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int, Insert ), Insert )
Unable to evaluate expression.
>>> 1+(((((((((((
Parsing error at line 1 column 14. No repair sequences found.
Unable to evaluate expression.
At a certain number of open brackets (which will partly depend on the speed of
your machine), CPCT+
simply cannot find suitable repair sequences within its
internal timeout, hence the “No repair sequences found” message. In practise
this happens in less than 2% of real-world inputs, so it is not a significant
Some “obvious” repair sequences aren't reported at the end of a file
The second surprising condition is more subtle. Before we can show the issue, we
need to introduce the concept of repair sequence ranking: CPCT+
only presents the
lowest cost repair sequences to users (where Insert
s and Delete
s cost 1, and
s cost 0). Higher cost repair sequences are discarded.
In an ideal world, CPCT+
would find repair sequences that allow a file to parse
completely successfully. In practice, this is only feasible if a syntax error
occurs near the very end of the input. In most cases, CPCT+
is happy with a
weaker condition, which is that a repair sequence ends with 3 Shift
showing that parsing has got back on track, at least for a little bit. This
condition explains the following:
>>> 2 + + 3
Parsing error at line 1 column 5. Repair sequences found:
1: Delete +
2: Insert Int
Result: 5
>>> 2 + + 3 +
Parsing error at line 1 column 5. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int
Parsing error at line 1 column 10. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert Int
Unable to evaluate expression.
For 2 + + 3
we match the human intuition that the input could have been 2 + 3
or 2 + <some int> + 3
. However, for the input 2 + + 3 +
we do not report
a Delete +
repair sequence for the first error in the input. Why?
The first thing we need to know is that repair sequences are always reported
with trailing Shift
repairs pruned: for the rest of this subsection it aids
understanding to leave them unpruned. Thus, for 2 + + 3
, the two repair
sequences found are Delete +, Shift 3
and Insert Int, Shift +, Shift 3
, both
of which cause the entire input to parse successfully, and both of which have
the same cost.
For 2 + + 3 +
, however, the first error leads to 3 repair sequences, Insert Int, Shift +, Shift 3, Shift +
, Delete +, Shift 3, Delete
or Delete +, Shift 3, Shift +, Insert Int
: the latter two are not even completed since they're
provably higher than the Insert Int
repair sequence and thus aren’t reported
to the user.
In practise, this situation is rarer than the timeout problem, to the point that
it’s arguably not worth worrying about or explaining to end users. Even when it
happens, the repair sequences that CPCT+
reports are always correct and at least
one repair sequence will be reported (assuming that error recovery doesn't time
Error recovery on real-world grammars
Continuing the example from the nimbleparse
section, we
can see that error recovery works well on arbitrary grammars. Consider the
following syntactically incorrect Lua 5.3 program:
$ cat test.lua
x = 0
if x > 0
print("greater than")
print("less than"}
When run through nimbleparse
, the following output is
$ caro run --release --bin nimbleparse lua5_3.l lua5_3.y test.lua
Error at line 3 col 4. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert then
Error at line 5 col 21. Repair sequences found:
1: Insert ), Insert end, Delete }
2: Insert ), Insert {, Shift }, Insert end
Turning off error recovery
By default, lrpar
uses the CPCT+
error recovery algorithm. You can use the
error recovery algorithm, which causes parsing to stop as soon as it hits
the first parsing error, with the recoverer
method in CTParserBuilder
. For example, we can change calc
file to:
.lrpar_config(|ctp| {
and then no matter how many syntax errors we make, only one is reported:
>>> 2++3++
Parsing error at line 1 column 3. No repair sequences found.
Unable to evaluate expression.
Unless you have a good reason to do so (e.g. quickly hacking together a grammar where you would prefer not to think about error recovery at all), we do not recommend turning off error recovery.