
Function action_generictree

pub fn action_generictree<StorageT, LexerTypesT: LexerTypes>(
    ridx: RIdx<StorageT>,
    _lexer: &dyn NonStreamingLexer<'_, LexerTypesT>,
    _span: Span,
    astack: Drain<'_, AStackType<LexerTypesT::LexemeT, Node<LexerTypesT::LexemeT, StorageT>>>,
    _param: (),
) -> Node<LexerTypesT::LexemeT, StorageT>
where usize: AsPrimitive<LexerTypesT::StorageT>, LexerTypesT::LexemeT: Lexeme<StorageT>,
Expand description

The action which implements cfgrammar::yacc::YaccOriginalActionKind::GenericParseTree. Usually you should just use the action kind directly. But you can also call this from within a custom action to return a generic parse tree with custom behavior.